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2024 ITS Texas Student Scholarships

ITS Texas student scholarship nominations are now being accepted!

2024 ITS Texas Student Scholarship Application

Eligible Degree Programs

A graduate degree (Masters or Ph.D.) program in an ITS-related field, which may include civil/transportation engineering, electrical engineering, systems engineering, computer science, or other eligible fields of study.


Awards may vary from $1,000 to $5,000 and amounts are determined at the sole discretion of the ITS Scholarship Selection Committee and Board of Directors.
You will have the privilege to write an article about your transportation research in our newsletter so that the ITS Texas Engineering Community will get to know you.


Currently enrolled graduate student at any college or university in the State of Texas.


Selection criteria will be based on demonstrated academic ability, stated career objectives, and supporting letters of reference. To be eligible, candidates must be living in the State of Texas and registered as full-time students in a graduate studies program at a college or university in the State of Texas. This is what you will need to submit to the committee:
1. Resume or CV describing academic experience, work experience, participation in professional and/or student chapters of relevant associations, awards, etc.
2. An essay of no more than 300 words indicating career objectives and particular interests in ITS. Please indicate how you will contribute to the ITS industry.
3. If a first semester graduate student, indicate evidence of acceptance for study in a graduate program at a college or university in the State of Texas.
4. Academic transcript showing previous courses taken for all undergraduate and graduate coursework, indicating degrees received. Include cumulative GPA for current degree plan (if at least one semester completed).
5. Proposed list of courses and anticipated graduation date for current graduate program.
6. Two letters of reference to be sent directly to the ITS Texas Scholarship Selection Committee at References should be confidential assessments of the candidates academic ability and record, research ability or potential, professional experience, commitment to career, and any other personal attributes which indicate that the candidate is worthy of the award.


October 13th, 2024

Commonly Asked Questions

1. Do you need official transcripts? Yes, at minimum please submit official transcripts for your current college or university. Copies of transcripts for previous attained degrees are accepted.
2. Can I gather reference letters and send to the committee directly? No, please have your references send their letters via email to from their own email address. The committee may directly contact references for questions or clarifications. Students should not deliver or submit those references themselves.
3. Are international students eligible? Yes, international students may apply.

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